Schengen visa provides an unrestricted freedom to travel to and through the Schengen area to non-Schengen Schengen Visa country citizens. This arrangement is part of treaty organization that has been planned as symbol of unified Europe.
This arrangement paved way for extending unrestricted travel permission through the demarked Schengen area to nationals of Schengen states and traveling foreign citizens.
The basic element of the laws of this treaty is promoting idea of Schengen states as being part of one nation which permits the travelers to traverse through the length and breadth of the continent in a similar way as one would travel through states of a country.
The agreement was ratified by 5 of 10 member states of European Economic Schengen Visa Community organization near Schengen in Luxembourg in 1985 and was complimented by a Schengen Visa convention to apply the agreement in 1990. These provisions were finally enforced in 1995. This treaty was conceptualized and integrated into the mainstream European Union laws and statutes through treaty of Amsterdam in 1997. Currently there are 26 Schengen Visa ratifying member states in this arrangement. Schengen Visa
Out of the 26 members only 4 countries are not European Union members i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland and 2 European Union Members United Schengen Visa Kingdom and Ireland are not part of the Schengen treaty organization. Schengen Visa
Out of the 26 members only 4 countries are not European Union members i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland and 2 European Union Members United Kingdom and Ireland are not part of the Schengen treaty organization.
All internal borders have been abolished and immigration check posts removed for the visitors holding Schengen Visa, however a non-EEA national must always carry all relevant documents that demonstrate the objective of travel to this region.
The usual term of the entry permission granted under this arrangement can not exceed 3 months in given period of 6 years. the tenure of the stay of 3 months is calculated from the date of entry into the country. Schengen Visa can be single entry permission or multiple entry permission. A single entry arrangement runs continuously from the date of entry into a Schengen state from where the journey is originating i.e. the country which has granted you this travel permit.
Multiple entry permission permits you to depart and arrive back in this territory several times but the cumulative period of all subsequent residence can not go beyond 3 months which is calculated from the date of first entry on basis of such a permission. It is necessary that this period of 3 months residence must be within the 6 months (calculated from the first date of entry on basis of this permission.
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